labor union

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

labor union

労働組合 労組 労働団体 (=trade union:⇒idea)

labor unionの関連語句

labor unionの用例

In spring wage negotiations, many labor unions have insisted on pay scale increases which raise the level of base pay for all employees.

Labor unions of major automakers and other key industries submitted their demands to management and this year’s spring labor offensive started.

Minoru Yamagishi, head of Fuji Heavy Industries’ labor union, handed requests on wages and improvement of working conditions to President Yasuyuki Yoshinaga at the headquarters of the company.

The company has been in talks with its labor union about planned job cuts through a voluntary retirement program.

The Democratic Party of Japan is backed by labor unions such as the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers’ Union and by the Japan Teachers’ Union.

The labor union at Toyota Motor Corp. has demanded a total monthly pay increase of ¥10,100 on average, including pay-scale hikes and regular pay raises.

The labor unions of major automakers, which will lead the annual shunto spring wage negotiations, called for a uniform monthly basic pay hike of ¥6,000.

The powerful labor unions of JR Hokkaido are pointed out to be part of the reason for the distance between the people working on the front lines and those in managerial positions.

The use of dispatched workers was limited to a maximum of three years to protect regular employees’ jobs before the revised worker dispatched law. But the revised law allows companies to extend the use of temporary workers in all job categories following talks with labor unions and other parties.

Toyota reached an agreement with its labor union to a pay scale hike of ¥4,000 per month.

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lábor ùnion

((米))労働組合(((英))trade union

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