Islamic State

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Islamic State

イスラム国 (イスラム教スンニ派の過激派組織。イラク戦争中の2004年頃に設立された「イラクのアル・カーイダ(AQI)」が前身とされる。イラク西部を拠点に活動し、2013年に「イラク・シリアのイスラム国(ISIS)」に名称を変更し、2014年6月、「イスラム国」として国家樹立を宣言した。⇒ISIL)

Islamic Stateの用例

A militant of the Islamic State in the video threatened to kill the two Japanese hostages unless the militant group received $200 million in ransom within the next 72 hours.

Freelance photojournalist Kenji Goto killed by the Islamic State was advised to refrain from visiting Syria by an official of the Foreign Ministry’s Consular Affairs Bureau.

In barbarous terrorist acts, the Islamic State militant group overwhelms other militant groups.

In the Syrian-Turkish border region, the entrance to Islamic State’s controlling areas, there are local residents who attempt to lure foreign journalists wanting to enter those areas by saying they can work as guides.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki’s pursuit of a sectarian agenda is criticized to have sidelined Sunnis and prompted some of them to support Islamic State militants.

The Unites States and its Arab allies have been carrying out airstrikes in Syria to uproot the Islamic State group.

U.S. President Barack Obama tamped down the prospect that U.S. military action in Syria, an important base of Islamic State militants, is imminent.

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