Republican-controlled Senate

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Republican-controlled Senate

米共和党が支配する上院 米共和党が過半数を占める[握る]上院 共和党が主導権を握る

Republican-controlled Senateの関連語句

Republican-controlled Senateの用例

As an effort to pass the three bills by Republicans fell short in the House on October 1, Republican’s plan to try it again, but they are defeated by the Democratic-controlled Senate.

A showdown between President Obama and the Republican-controlled Senate was set up by the death of conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

At the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, Trump is almost certain to be acquitted by the Republican-controlled 100-member Senate.

The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives impeached President Trump on two charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

The Diet divided between the ruling camp-controlled lower house and an opposition-controlled upper house leads to the current political stalemate.

The three companies will sell their respective stakes in Sakhalin Energy Investment Co. to Russia’s state-controlled natural gas monopoly OAO Gazprom.

Republican-controlled Senate

共和党が支配する上院 共和党が過半数を占める[握る]上院 共和党が主導権を握る

Republican-controlled Senateの用例

A showdown between President Obama and the Republican-controlled Senate was set up by the death of conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

At the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, Trump is almost certain to be acquitted by the Republican-controlled 100-member Senate.

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