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英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

ahead of

〜の前に 〜の前を 〜を前に 〜を控えて 〜の前途には 〜に先だって 〜より前に 〜より先に 〜より早く 〜に先がけて 〜のトップを切って 〜に向けて 〜に備えて 〜に向けて 〜より勝って 〜より進んで (⇒government subsidies)

ahead ofの関連語句

ahead ofの用例

Ahead of April’s parliamentary by-elections, Myanmar democracy icon Aung San Suu Khi is making campaign trips.

Ahead of Greece’s de facto default, Greek government imposed capital controls such as shutting down banks for a week to avoid a bank run and setting a cash withdrawal limit.

Ahead of Greek default, worried people queued outside banks for cash from dawn to dusk in the streets of Greece.

Ahead of sales tax hike in April 2014, Japanese companies have racked their brains to minimize a drop-off in demand following last-minute shopping sprees.

Ahead of the consumption tax increase in April 2014, last-minute demand for big-ticket items such as automobiles is likely to continue until the end of March.

As a preliminary meeting ahead of full-fledged negotiations among senior Foreign Ministry officials, Japan and North Korea held bilateral talks at the Japanese Embassy in Beijing for the first time in four years.

In contrast, Toshiba and Hitachi, or major rivals of Sony, forged ahead with TV unit restructuring far sooner and saw their business performance pick up markedly.

No significant improvement in air pollution in China has been seen as many factories have ignored government regulations, putting short-term profits ahead of environmental issues.

The automaker put profit ahead of safety to ignore a fault that could lead to further fatalities.

The DPJ and the LDP hammered out drastic tax reform proposals ahead of the official announcement of the House of Councilors election.

The revision of Article 96 ahead of other provisions has been postponed due to a wary stance shown by New Komeito.

To win the race to host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo must devise a strategy to pull ahead of other candidate cities Istanbul and Madrid.

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