anti-access strategy

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

anti-access strategy


anti-access strategyの関連語句

anti-access strategyの用例

A move to enable society at large to have free, unrestricted access to research results achieved through public funds is called the open access (OA) model.

At the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry, more than 3,000 pieces of information including highly confidential documents are suspected to have been stolen via unauthorized access to its computers.

By the increase in defense spending, China is bolstering its capabilities to deny access by the U.S. military to waters around China in times of an emergency in the Taiwan Strait.

It is a matter of urgency for future newcomers to have access to sufficient landing slots and adequate airport facilities.

Regarding an unauthorized access to the computers of a leading electronics maker by a Chinese-affiliated hacker group, thorough elucidation of the incident is called for.

The epoch-making service features “multimedia banking” that permits access to financial services from a personal computer in a corporate network and “multimedia shopping,” in which users can order goods and make payments.

The Foreign Ministry verified through its investigation of unauthorized access that one of its computers had unauthorized communications with an external server.

The Foreign Ministry was notified by the National Information Security Center that the ministry’s computer had possibly been the victim of unauthorized access.

The modus operandi of the cybercrime group known as DarkSide is to infiltrate a targeted large company with ransomware that encrypts data, demanding a ransom in exchange for restoring access to the data.

Wearable computers would be fashionable and light, weighing as little as 100 grams, and compatible with Internet access services.

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化学式 CH4 。最も簡単なメタン系炭化水素で,天然ガスの主成分をなしている。また石炭ガスにも 25~30%含まれる。有機物の分解,たとえばセルロースの腐敗,発酵の際に生成され,沼気ともいわれる。また...


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