as long as

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

as long as

〜もの間 〜なだけ長く 〜するかぎり[限り] 〜である限り 〜しさえすれば 〜なので(since) (⇒so long as)

as long asの用例

As long as inflation does not threaten to break above 2.5 percent and inflation expectations are contained, the Fed will hold near zero interest rates steady.

As long as Japan depends on thermal power generation as an alternative electricity source, LNG imports will continue to increase and the nation’s wealth will flow to countries rich in natural resources.

As long as the BOJ voluntarily purchases government bonds, it will not result in a rapid rise in interest rates.

As long as the global recession continues, severe economic conditions will persist in Japan.

Pilots are not subject to virus tests at airport quarantine centers [stations] as long as they fulfill certain conditions such as monitoring their health after returning to Japan.

The upper ceilings of working hours are stipulated by the Labor Standards Law in Japan, but employees can be forced to work as long as their companies want under special labor-management agreements.

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