company employee

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

company employee

会社従業員 会社員 従業員 社員

company employeeの用例

Freelancers who don’t belong to companies are not eligible for generous benefits because the current social security system is designed mainly for company employees.

In a negative pattern of price hikes, they make primary materials costlier, causing consumers to reduce spending and leading to lower corporate earnings and lower wages of company employees, further dampening already weak consumer spending in a vicious circle.

Many small and midsize companies are suspected of evading their legal obligation to join the public pension scheme for company employees.

There are two patterns in price hikes. In a beneficial pattern of them, business picks up, improving corporate earnings, and the wages of company employees rise, stimulating consumption.

While company employees are protected by labor laws and rules, freelancers as sole proprietors are not covered. For example, they are not entitled to workers’ compensation even if they are injured in the course of their duties.

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