deal a blow (to)

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

deal a blow (to)

(〜に)打撃を加える (〜に)打撃を与える (〜に)難問を抱えさせる

deal a blow (to)の関連語句

deal a blow (to)の用例

After a Chinese fishing boat collided with Japan Coast Guard’s patrol vessels near the Senkakus in 2010, China suspended rare earth exports to Japan and dealt a blow to Japanese manufacturers.

As two high-profile Cabinet members announced their decision to quit the Cabinet over separate scandals, the Abe administration was dealt a double blow.

Higher gasoline prices will deal a direct blow to household budgets and domestic distribution costs.

In Ayutthaya and other cities, the floods swept into seven industrial complexes and dealt a heavy blow to about 450 Japanese factories located there.

Since the government put the Senkakus under state control, many Chinese tourists have canceled visits to Japan, dealing a serious blow to airline companies and the tourism industry.

The economic slowdown in Europe due to the sovereign debt crisis and slackening growth of China as a major exporter to Europe have dealt a painful blow to Japan’s exports and production.

The rapid surge in the yen’s value could deal a blow to Japan’s export drive and export-related businesses.

The rapid surge in the yen’s value would impair the current improvement in the Japanese economy and deal a blow to the world economy.

The recent yen’s appreciation is not so painful as to deal a heavy blow to export-oriented industries.

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