economic slowdown

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

economic slowdown

景気減速 経済の減速 景気後退 景気低迷 景気鈍化 景気腰折れ (⇒cut back on, electronics maker)

economic slowdownの関連語句

economic slowdownの用例

Amid the economic slowdown, many major U.S. companies have been forced to review their strategies after the mergers and acquisitions they pursued failed to produce the expected synergy effect.

Concern over the U.S. economic slowdown has grown since July.

Domestic manufacturers have been exposed to the adverse winds of economic slowdowns overseas, a strongly appreciating yen and ever-intensifying competition with foreign rivals.

Japanese electronics makers are needed to shrug off the adversity of economic slowdowns overseas, a strongly appreciating yen, and ever-intensifying competition with foreign rivals by wielding their latent power.

Japan’s protracted economic slowdown is becoming a stone around the neck of East Asia.

The continuing global acceptance of our products and our record backlog of over $3 billion indicate an improved second half of the year, despite the economic slowdown.

The economic slowdown in Europe due to the sovereign debt crisis and slackening growth of China as a major exporter to Europe have dealt a painful blow to Japan’s exports and production.

The Fed has to maintain guard against an economic slowdown and inflationary pressure.

The huge decline in business sentiment among large manufacturers has mainly been attributed to the global economic slowdown, a decrease in exports due to a recent flare-up in tensions between Japan and China, and a slump in domestic auto sales.

There was widespread concern over a sharp economic slowdown for the July-September quarter.

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