family court

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

family court


family courtの関連語句

family courtの用例

Currently, juvenile cases are all handled by family courts and delinquents who have committed serious crimes are housed in a juvenile classification home.

Except for the cases of heinous crimes sent to a public prosecutors office, a family court, based on the findings of a series of examinations, decides whether to send juvenile delinquents to a juvenile reformatory where corrective education is given, or to place them under the probation of juvenile probation officer to help them rehabilitate and rejoin society.

Guardians of adults selected and appointed by family courts manage such assets as real estate and savings and sign contracts on behalf of people who are unable to make proper judgments due to dementia or mental disability.

The girl student was referred to the family court as it was found appropriate to submit her to the family court’s inquiry.

The Nagasaki Family Court decided to send a 16-year-old girl who killed a female classmate to a juvenile medical reformatory, based on the court’s judgment that criminal punishment would do her more harm than good.

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