file a complaint with

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

file a complaint with

〜に提訴する 〜に告訴する 〜に告発する 〜に告訴状を提出する 〜に苦情を申し立てる

file a complaint withの関連語句

file a complaint withの用例

Bilateral talks between Japan and South Korea seem to be now back to square one, with Seoul filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization against Tokyo.

Members of citizens groups filed complaints with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office concerning the purchases of the Nikai faction’s party tickets.

South Korea filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization over Japan’s restrictions on imports of laver or nori seaweed.

The rift between Japan and South Korea has deepened further, with South Korea filing a complaint with the WTO against Japan over export controls.

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