file a criminal complaint against

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

file a criminal complaint against

〜を刑事告発する 〜を告発する

file a criminal complaint againstの用例

A citizens group filed a criminal complaint against the prosecutor who made a falsified investigative report on suspicion of forging an official document with a seal or signature.

The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry will file a criminal complaint against the car dealer on suspicion of attempting to export the trailer illegally by disassembling it into a tractor and a van to avoid scrutiny by customs authorities.

The government will file a criminal complaint against Novartis Pharma K.K. on suspicion that the firm’s ads were tantamount to exaggerated advertising.

The Securities Exchange Surveillance Commission filed a criminal complaint against a former bank employee with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on suspicion of violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.

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