file a lawsuit against

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

file a lawsuit against

〜を相手どって提訴する 〜を提訴する 告訴する 訴訟を起こす 〜を訴える (=file a suit against)

file a lawsuit againstの関連語句

file a lawsuit againstの用例

Administrative Vice Finance Minister Junichi Fukuda is proceeding with preparations to file a lawsuit against Shinchosha Publishing Co., which reported the alleged sexual harassment, on the grounds that the report is defamatory.

Since sellers of fake products tend to disappear overnight after quickly selling their bogus goods, it is impossible to file lawsuits against them.

The parents of the junior high schoolboy who had killed himself due to the bullying filed a lawsuit against the three bullies, their parents and the municipal government, demanding ¥77 million in damages.

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