foreign exchange rate

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

foreign exchange rate

外国為替レート 外国為替相場 為替相場 為替レート 外貨交換比率[交換率]

foreign exchange rateの関連語句

foreign exchange rateの用例

As concerns over erratic fluctuations in stock prices and foreign exchange rates in the world’s markets are likely to persist, it will be necessary for the Fed to steer its monetary policy for preventing market turmoil.

At the time of the Great Depression of 1930s, foreign exchange rates were fixed by the gold standard, preventing Japan from devaluing its currency.

The alignment of foreign exchange rates is one approach to correct the global bubble.

The Egyptian currency’s foreign exchange rate plunged by 20 percent between January 2011 and July 2013.

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