high growth

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

high growth

高成長 高度成長 高度経済成長 (⇒excessive spending)

high growthの関連語句

high growthの用例

An expanded FTA is a key to bolstering growth in the EU indispensable to overcome its fiscal and financial crises.

An inflation index which excludes food and energy prices fell 0.2 percent in June 2013 from a year earlier, but the margin of the negative growth contracted for the fourth consecutive month.

A recovery will be export-driven, dependent on U.S. growth and the yen’s depreciation, instead of being led by increased domestic consumption and capital investment.

At the end of the TICAD 5, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the leaders of African nations pledged to promote private sector-led economic development in Africa to further facilitate the continent’s qualitative growth.

Capital investment posted a 1 percent growth, a far cry from a full-scale recovery.

Domestic lending growth has been decelerating sharply since peaking last month.

In the eurozone, France recorded its second consecutive quarter of negative growth, while Italy remains in its worst recession since World War II.

Nominal growth in GDP has been less than real growth for three quarters.

Pacific Rim leaders pledged to revive flagging growth in the region by supporting open trade.

South Korea’s new President Park Geun-hye will have to live up to her campaign pledge that she can return the country to strong economic growth.

The annualized nominal GDP growth marked the first decline in five quarters.

The economic slowdown in Europe due to the sovereign debt crisis and slackening growth of China as a major exporter to Europe have dealt a painful blow to Japan’s exports and production.

The European Union, China, India and Russia will continue their vibrant growth.

The fiscal cliff of tax hikes and spending cuts that the U.S. is facing threaten to derail the economy’s growth.

The government and the BOJ should step up their vigilance against the worse of the domestic economy and make all-out efforts to revive economic growth.

The growth of electronic publications’ sales is remarkable amid the slump in the publishing industry.

The LDP’s campaign platform for the upcoming House of Representatives election strongly reflects the party leader Abe’s major policies, such as those centering on growth and reviewing the right to collective self-defense.

The nonregulated companies offer better opportunities for greater growth.

The positive growth will continue from the July-September period on, but it is too early to conclude that the Japanese economy is fully on a recovery track.

There is no telling whether the company can put its business performance back on the path to growth.

The Yokohama Declaration 2013 adopted by the fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 5) contains the basic principle that Japan and African nations will make concerted efforts to accelerate growth and sustainable development.

To promote the internal growth of ABC Inc. and the value of its shares, the proportion of earnings invested in the corporation should be permitted to grow.

Toyota’s growth is supported by the expansion of sales overseas.

high growth

高度成長 高成長

high growthの用例

India’s demand for power has increased sharply with the high growth of its economy.

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