highly skilled business expert

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

highly skilled business expert


highly skilled business expertの関連語句

highly skilled business expertの用例

A crush zone underneath the No. 2 reactor building of the Tsuruga nuclear power plant is highly likely to be an active fault.

As the MRJ uses highly fuel-efficient engine, the fuel consumption is at least 20 percent better than other competing jet aircraft.

At the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry, more than 3,000 pieces of information including highly confidential documents are suspected to have been stolen via unauthorized access to its computers.

Bitcoin deals may be abused as they are highly anonymous and in the United States, a trader who gave bitcoin to an illegal drug dealer faced prosecution on charges of money laundering.

Companies are generally willing to take on more new hires due to signs of economic recovery, while major companies remain highly selective.

Domestic industries including tourism are highly expected to reap the benefits if the expanded budget services by LCCs attract more tourists from other Asian regions to Japan.

IAEA inspectors found highly enriched uranium at a research institute in central Iran.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is highly inward-looking and negative about opening up the county’s market, a diplomatic source said.

In spite of economic recovery, university students and others set to graduate in spring 2015 cannot be overly optimistic in job hunting activities as major firms remain highly selective.

It is highly possible that the Liberal Democratic Party will return to power through a snap election.

It’s a highly unusual situation that things improve only temporarily even though the company goes through its structural reform.

It’s highly possible that the U.S. National Security Agency tapped German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own cellphone.

South Korea is highly likely to refuse the Japanese government’s overture to work together to bring the Takeshima issue before the ICJ.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will strategically secure highly capable foreign students and nurture them as Japanophiles.

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化学式 CH4 。最も簡単なメタン系炭化水素で,天然ガスの主成分をなしている。また石炭ガスにも 25~30%含まれる。有機物の分解,たとえばセルロースの腐敗,発酵の際に生成され,沼気ともいわれる。また...


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