house renovator

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

house renovator

住宅リフォーム会社 (=housing renovation firm)

house renovatorの関連語句

house renovatorの用例

About 6,000 houses can be flooded within 24 hours if a dike along the Kinugawa river fails.

According to the draft of guideline measures to cope with nuclear disasters, stable iodine pills to prevent radiation exposure in thyroid glands will be preemptively distributed to houses within a 50-kilometer radius of nuclear power plants.

A police officer killed two people and set fire to their house to destroy evidence.

A total of 131 houses were inundated above floor level and 423 were flooded below the floorboards as of noon.

Even if returned to the helm of government, the LDP will not have a majority in the upper house.

In a bizarre move, the Rules and Administration committees of both houses of the Diet have called on the government to investigate the media report on planned government nominations in advance.

In both houses of the Diet, three-day interpellations by party representatives on the prime minister’s policy speech have finished.

Prime Minister Aso dissolved the lower house after passing a supplementary budget for fiscal 2008.

The approval of at least two-thirds of the members of each house prior to a special referendum is required of a revision of the Constitution by the Diet’s initiation.

The Diet divided between the ruling camp-controlled lower house and an opposition-controlled upper house leads to the current political stalemate.

The Republican Party currently controls the House of Representatives, so the Obama administration is certain to be rendered ineffectual for the remainder of its term if his Democratic Party slips to a minority in both houses of Congress in the midterm elections in 2014.

The upcoming general election of the lower house will be held under the current electoral system though a bill to reduce vote-value disparities passed the Diet just before the lower house was dissolved.

Three death-row murder convicts were executed at the detention houses of Tokyo, Hiroshima and Fukuoka.

When the emperor or empress dies, a new charnel house will be built at the Imperial Palace after cremation.

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