labor cost

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

labor cost

人件費 労働コスト 労務費 雇用コスト 賃金 (⇒labor)

labor costの関連語句

labor costの用例

As labor costs in China are expected to continue rising, labor-intensive industries such as fashion and electronics will keep relocating their manufacturing bases to Southeast Asia and other regions with cheaper labor.

Because of soaring labor costs, the Japanese maker of small and midsize televisions lowered its production ratio in China that previously accounted for 90 percent of its total output.

Chinese firms improved their price competitiveness, helped by low labor costs.

In China, the number of migrant workers has decreased, resulting in increases in labor costs at a record high pace.

Local labor costs of Japanese companies operating in China rose by about 60 percent over the past three years since 2010, according to the Japan External Trade Organization.

Many Japanese manufacturers have been prompted to review their production in China with labor costs surging in China and domestic production recovering competitiveness thanks to the weaker yen.

More and more business managers of Japanese-affiliated companies are thinking of withdrawing from China due to rising labor costs.

The development of cross-border infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has prompted a number of multinational corporations to transfer some of their manufacturing processes to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to take advantage of cheaper labor costs.

The Japanese economy is losing momentum with the burdens of a strong yen and high labor costs as well as higher electric power output costs.

The management side is becoming cautious about wage hikes due to concerns over rising labor costs.

With labor costs surging in China and domestic production recovering competitiveness thanks to the recent weakening of the yen, some Japanese companies have moved production bases to Southeast Asia and other regions.

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lábor còst


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