local residents [people]

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

local residents [people]

地方住民 地元住民 地域住民 現地人

local residents [people]の用例

In order to prevent suicides which have been rapidly increasing due to the prolonged pandemic of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), local residents and organizations concerned must work together beyond their boundaries as measures to save as many lives as possible.

In some states of the United States, sexual offenders are required to register with local authorities and reveal their status to local residents.

In the Syrian-Turkish border region, the entrance to Islamic State’s controlling areas, there are local residents who attempt to lure foreign journalists wanting to enter those areas by saying they can work as guides.

Local residents and bereaved relatives of the landslide-disaster victims gathered at a monument commemorating the disaster.

Local residents should pay more attention not only to local governments but also to local assemblies.

The impact of cutbacks stemming from the shrinking tax income is affecting local residents.

To deal with the problem of noise pollution, local residents got together.

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日本の上代芸能の一つ。宮廷で舞われる女舞。大歌 (おおうた) の一つの五節歌曲を伴奏に舞われる。天武天皇が神女の歌舞をみて作ったと伝えられるが,元来は農耕に関係する田舞に発するといわれる。五節の意味は...


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