manufacturing process

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

manufacturing process

生産工程 製造工程 生産[製造]過程 生産[製造]部門 (=production process)

manufacturing processの用例

3-D printers, which do not need any metal mold in a manufacturing process, can be used in a wide range of fields, including manufacturing parts for automobiles and aircrafts and making artificial bones.

The development of cross-border infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has prompted a number of multinational corporations to transfer some of their manufacturing processes to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to take advantage of cheaper labor costs.

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化学式 CH4 。最も簡単なメタン系炭化水素で,天然ガスの主成分をなしている。また石炭ガスにも 25~30%含まれる。有機物の分解,たとえばセルロースの腐敗,発酵の際に生成され,沼気ともいわれる。また...


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