midterm elections

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

midterm elections

米中間選挙 (=interim [off-year] elections, midterm congressional elections:4年ごとの大統領選挙の中間年の11月に行われる。米上院議員の3分の1と下院議員の全員(435人)の選挙のほか、州知事、州議会その他の地方選挙と住民投票などが実施される)

midterm electionsの用例

In the United States, protectionism has been increasingly rearing its head, with midterm elections looming in the autumn.

The Democratic administration lost control of the House of Representatives in the recent U.S. midterm elections.

The Republican Party currently controls the House of Representatives, so the Obama administration is certain to be rendered ineffectual for the remainder of its term if his Democratic Party slips to a minority in both houses of Congress in the midterm elections in 2014.

The vote in the recent U.S. midterm elections which took on a tinge of a prelude to the 2016 presidential election has given Republicans momentum heading into the presidential race.

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