missile launch

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

missile launch


missile launchの用例

Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera has issued an order for the SDF to take precautions aimed at intercepting and destroying North Korean missiles in preparation for North Korean missile launches.

In the wake of North Korea’s announcement that it would extend its ballistic missile launch, South Korea concluded the three-stage missile had been removed from the launchpad based on satellite pictures taken on December 11, 2012.

North Korea has moved a missile known as the Musudan, which has a range of 3,000 kilometers, to its east coast.

North Korea put a satellite into orbit as planned and hailed the missile launch as a success.

North Korea’s missile launch under the guise of a satellite launch contravenes the nonproliferation efforts of the international community.

North Korea went ahead with missile launches and a second nuclear test despite international condemnation.

The maintenance of a missile defense shield requires a sequence of quick responses of identifying early signs of a missile launch, detecting the launch, the pursuit of the incoming missile and its interception.

The Self-Defense Forces deployed Patrol Advanced Capability-3 (PAC3) surface-to-air missiles in Okinawa Prefecture and other locations in preparation for any incoming threat from the North Korea’s missile launch.

The South Korean government was caught off guard by Pyongyang’s surprise missile launch as the South Korean government presumed North Korea would not launch within a week based on its analysis that the missile had been removed from the launchpad.

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