most of

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

most of

〜の大部分 〜の大半 〜の多く 〜の大多数

most ofの関連語句

most ofの用例

At the hospital following the quake, most of the elderly patients brought in for emergency treatment were unconscious and in a state of cardiac arrest.

Despite rising labor costs and anti-Japan riots, most of Japanese businesses are opting to stay in China as the county is still enormous market.

Economic activity strengthened in most of U.S. regions with the exception of St. Louis where plans to close several plants were announced, the U.S. FRB said.

Exploitative firms referred to as black companies generally hire young workers en masse, assuming that most of them would eventually quit due to harsh working conditions.

Most of the core infrastructure in the United States, including electric power grids, pipelines and power plants, is run by private companies.

On condition that demonstrators vacate most of the buildings they occupy, Ukraine’s parliament passed a measure offering amnesty to those arrested in two months of protests.

The turnover rate of a company can be considered to be one of the important indicators of whether it’s exploitative because black firms tend to hire young workers en masse, assuming that most of them will quit before long.

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