nuclear power generation

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

nuclear power generation

原子力発電 原発

nuclear power generationの関連語句

nuclear power generationの用例

An option to reduce the ratio of nuclear power generation all the way to zero percent is impractical.

A policy to reduce nuclear power generation will lead to a decrease in job opportunities.

As for greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by the end of 2020, which drew criticism from other countries as being too low, the Japanese government needs to work out a basic energy plan that specifies a future ratio of nuclear power generation and to make steady progress in setting a realistic target for the years beyond 2020.

French nuclear power generation accounts for nearly 80 percent of electricity production in the country.

Nuclear power generation using recovered plutonium as fuel began at a Kyushu Electric Power Co. plant as part of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Osaka city which consumes a massive volume of electricity takes the initiative in insisting that Kansai Electric Power Co. abandon nuclear power generation.

The administration of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has put forth a policy of ending reliance on nuclear power generation in the 2030s.

The government’s policy of ending reliance on nuclear power generation will accelerate the hollowing-out of industry and hamper nuclear power plant exports.

The Indian government plans to increase the percentage of nuclear power generation to 25 percent from the current 2 percent by 2050 to stabilize energy supplies.

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