operating company

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

operating company

運航会社 運営会社 運用会社 事業会社

operating companyの用例

About 100 companies are registered with a members-only site operated by a Tokyo company and pay advertising fees ranging from several hundred thousand yen to several million yen to the operating company.

After the explosion accident of a sightseeing hot air balloon over Luxor, southern Egypt, Luxor prosecutors will examine the administrative responsibility of Egypt’s Civil Aviation Ministry which gave the green light for the balloon’s operating company to go airborne.

The operating company in Japan of the LINE free messaging app has given a Chinese company access rights to the personal information of LINE users such as the names, phone numbers and contents of messages.

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日本の上代芸能の一つ。宮廷で舞われる女舞。大歌 (おおうた) の一つの五節歌曲を伴奏に舞われる。天武天皇が神女の歌舞をみて作ったと伝えられるが,元来は農耕に関係する田舞に発するといわれる。五節の意味は...


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