operational integration

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

operational integration

経営統合 (=business integration, management integration;⇒option)

operational integrationの関連語句

operational integrationの用例

As in the case of the development of infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), ASEAN’s economic integration is accelerating.

Cooperation between or integration of domestic shipbuilders is necessary to recover international competitiveness.

Following the integration of the TSE and OSE, the two exchanges may be reorganized by function, with one entity to handle spot trading and another derivatives.

General contractors, many of them mired by the business slump, have been working to overcome their current crisis through management integration.

In Egypt, secular-Islamist rift has widened over the new Constitution, which was expected to promote national integration after the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak.

Tap water supply services in many areas are subject to integration to expand the service areas as a result of the declining population.

The Council for Science and Technology Policy of Japan is chaired by the prime minister, but its policymaking and implementation processes are limited by an administration characterized by sectionalism that hinders coordination and integration among related ministries and agencies.

The joint holding company will carry over the firm’s name, management and personnel affairs system after the integration.

The two presidents basically agreed on the plan of business integration.

Through the integration of the Osaka Securities Exchange’s cash equity market into that of the TSE, Japan Exchange Group Inc. debuted the world’s third-largest stock exchange.

Uneven levels of development in Southeast Asian nations are not necessarily a drawback to ASEAN’s economic integration.

operational integration

経営統合 (=business integration, management integration;⇒option)

operational integrationの関連語句

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