pension system

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

pension system

年金制度 年金システム (=pension scheme;⇒pay-as-you-go formula, personnel costs [expenses])

pension systemの用例

Although pension benefits have continued to swell as the population ages, revenue for premiums to fund the pension system has not increased due to a decline in the working population and a drop in wages because of the sluggish economy.

Curbing benefits is needed to ensure the stability of the pension system.

If the present pay-as-you-go pension system is shifted to a funded pension system, the working population would shoulder a double burden, or paying premiums to provide benefits to the elderly as well as premiums to fund pensions they would receive after retirement.

Minshuto proposes the introduction of a new consumption tax as a financial resource for the pension system.

Pension and health insurance systems covering every citizen were introduced in 1961.

The aging of society, coupled with the declining birthrate, will affect not only the pension system, but also medical care costs.

The existing pension system is in a critical situation, but the Liberal Democratic Party stresses the need to increase benefits from welfare programs for senior citizens receiving low pensions.

The hollowing-out of the pension system may increase companies’ personnel costs so much that it could negatively affect their international competitive edge.

The pension system may collapse before people qualify as beneficiaries.

There is a danger 52 corporate pension funds will not have enough reserves to pay benefits corresponding to the portion of publicly run pension system if all the money entrusted to AIJ is irretrievable.

Under the present pay-as-you-go pension system, benefits for current pensioners are funded by premiums paid by the working population.

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