push for

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

push for

〜を求め続ける 〜を盛んに求める 〜を強く求める 〜を求めて頑張る 〜を訴える 提唱する (⇒lasting)

push forの用例

A Chinese defendant in the case involving the poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza dumplings injected organic phosphate insecticide into packages of gyoza to push for better working conditions by causing a stir through the act.

China warned the Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan’s main opposition party, to heed the lessons of the last time it was in power and not push for independence.

The Democratic Party of Japan and the People’s New Party have submitted a bill to the Diet to create the Osaka metropolis that Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto has pushed for.

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