ruling party

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

ruling party

与党 政権政党 政権党 (=governing party)

ruling partyの用例

Ahead of the election campaign, the ruling parties are going to emphasize their positive stance toward the national civil servant system reform.

An amnesty bill proposed by the ruling party is intended to whitewash alleged crimes of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the Democratic Party of Thailand says.

In the statement issued by the Taiwan’s ruling party Nationalists in President Ma Ying-jeou’s name, he said that he feels it is time to pass the torch as party chairman.

In Turkey, the confrontation between secularists and supporters of the ruling party is intensifying, so it’s difficult to avert splits in society unless Prime Minister Erdogan listens to the voices of secular people.

The government and the ruling parties covered part of the government’s share of contributions to basic pension benefits with special bonds.

The ruling party controls nearly 70 percent of the House of Representatives and easily exceeds a simple majority in the House of Councilors.

The so-called twisted Diet ended as two ruling parties of the LDP and New Komeito recaptured a majority of seats in the upper house.

To clear the way for Vice President Xi Jinping to take China’s helm, Chinese President Hu Jintao stepped aside as ruling party leader.

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