senior official

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

senior official

政府高官 政府高官筋 幹部

senior officialの用例

According to the bill, a cabinet personnel affairs bureau will be established, and the bureau will integrate the personnel affairs of senior officials of the Cabinet Office.

A senior official of the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry was questioned on insider trading over an injection of public funds to a semiconductor company.

On condition of anonymity, a senior official of the Biden administration spoke to preview announcements before they have been made public.

Over nuclear talks between Iran and the West, the Iranian senior official sought to put the onus on the West for any failure to reach an agreement.

Prior to the start of the official campaign period for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, the de facto election campaign is already overheating, and the presidents and senior officials of political parties are running to and fro in Tokyo.

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