set aside

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

set aside

(準備金などを)積み立てる 貯(た)めて置く 蓄えておく 蓄える 引き当てる 設定する 繰り入れる 用意する 確保する 取り分けておく 考えや問題を捨てる 考慮しない 無視する 棚上げする 取り除く 除外する

set asideの用例

A large amount of credit cannot be removed from the balance sheets of banks even though loan-loss reserves have been set aside.

The bank set aside more money for bad loans in the United States.

The company introduced a new retirement benefit system in 2014, under which ¥2,750 per month is deducted from each employee’s periodic wage hikes and the money is set aside for additional retirement benefit payments.

The firm allows employees to set aside annual paid leaves, which lose effect after two years under the law.

To cover compensation for the families of the crash accident’s victims, insurers have begun counting the financial cost of the plane disaster with hundreds of millions of dollars being set aside.

set aside

(準備金などを)積み立てる 貯(た)めて置く 蓄えておく 蓄える 引き当てる 設定する 繰り入れる 用意する 考えや問題を捨てる 考慮しない 無視する 棚上げする 取り除く 除外する

set asideの関連語句

set asideの用例

The bank set aside more money for bad loans in the United States.

To clear the way for Vice President Xi Jinping to take China’s helm, Chinese President Hu Jintao stepped aside as ruling party leader.

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