shareholders’ responsibility

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

shareholders’ responsibility


shareholders’ responsibilityの関連語句

shareholders’ responsibilityの用例

A common goal for firms and shareholders is improving corporate value.

A lot of listed companies reported brisk earnings for fiscal 2014 and raised dividends for their shareholders.

As financial assistance to the cash-strapped chipmaker Renesas, its three shareholders and founders are to provide about ¥50 billion, while lines of credit established by its main banks will make up the rest of ¥50 billion.

As synergistic effects with the manufacturing of TV sets and other businesses can be expected, Sony has taken a wary stance toward the separation of its movie and music business demanded by its shareholders.

At recent shareholders meetings of companies with business terms that ended in March, “activist shareholders” including foreign funds have applied pressure on corporate management by arguing against management policy.

At the shareholders meetings of nine electric power companies that own nuclear power plants, many shareholders called for management reform at the utilities.

At this year’s annual general meetings of shareholders of companies with business terms that ended in March, “activist shareholders” who apply pressure on corporate management have made their presence felt.

Before the shareholders meeting, Cerberus, the largest shareholder of Seibu Holdings, had pressed for Seibu’s management reform through such moves as a takeover bid.

Companies are not for shareholders alone.

Even if management turns down the specific demands of shareholders, it has a responsibility to present reasonable policy and continue dialogue with them.

In a bid to raise funds for restructuring, the firm will receive about ¥100 billion in financial assistance from its three founders and major shareholders plus its main banks.

In Japanese companies, a low priority is put on earnings power and returning profits to shareholders. It’s because stable shareholders account for a majority of shareholders, and so management often pays little attention to shareholders.

It’s not always right that shareholders demand short-term stock price increases and higher dividends.

One who once was called a lucky adventurer among activist shareholders lost his fame due to his involvement in insider trading.

Panasonic Corp. will seek to buy control of Sanyo Electric Co. from its biggest shareholders.

Scandal-hit companies, including Daio Paper Corp. and Olympus Corp., apologized to their shareholders at their respective shareholders meetings.

The company is the largest shareholder of Mitsubishi Motors Corp.

The Japanese business management style is characterized by a lack of tension between company executives and shareholders.

Three major shareholders and main banks are to provide financial assistance of ¥100 billion to the cash-strapped chipmaker Renesas.

U.S. equity fund KKR is likely to procure shares to be issued by Renesas as an allocation to a third party to become the biggest shareholder, with an equity holding of more than 50 percent.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報



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