solar power generation

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

solar power generation

太陽光発電 (⇒energy source)

solar power generationの用例

Amid surging prices of crude oil and other resources, the sovereign wealth fund will invest mainly in solar power generation, fuel cells, and other new energy technologies and natural resources.

Compared with the time needed for wind power or geothermal power generation, solar power generation has the advantage of requiring less time to get from the planning stage to actual generation.

The government plans to increase solar power generation 40-fold by 2030 from the current level as one measure to fight global warming.

To increase the ratio of renewable energy sources to make up for the loss of nuclear power plants, the ratios of solar power generation and wind power generation would have to be raised.

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化学式 CH4 。最も簡単なメタン系炭化水素で,天然ガスの主成分をなしている。また石炭ガスにも 25~30%含まれる。有機物の分解,たとえばセルロースの腐敗,発酵の際に生成され,沼気ともいわれる。また...


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