spell out

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

spell out

明確に[はっきり]説明する 詳細に[詳しく]説明する 明記する 強調する (計画や案を)打ち出す 一字一字読み取る 判読する 略さないで書く (⇒harness)

spell outの関連語句

spell outの用例

As a crucial issue for many voters at a time when the economy is in the doldrums, political party leaders took to the streets to spell out their economic policies.

The Abe administration has spelled out the direction of making moral education a subject taught in primary and junior high schools, making Japanese history a compulsory subject at high schools, and starting English classes at an earlier grade in primary school.

The G-7 meeting failed to spell out what each nation should do in concrete terms.

The government should spell out its proactive stance on the TPP.

The ISO’s latest move to compile global safety standards for nursing-care robots is widely expected to be a step toward fostering a new industry based on robot technology which the Japanese government spelled out as part of its growth strategy.

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