strong dollar

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

strong dollar

強いドル ドル高

strong dollarの関連語句

strong dollarの用例

After a Chinese airplane intruded into Japanese airspace, the Japanese government lodged a strong protest with the Chinese government through diplomatic channels.

Among household use, the sales of high-priced premium beers such as Asahi Breweries’ Dry Premium, The Premium Malts by Suntory Liquors and Sapporo Breweries’ Yebisu beers are strong this summer.

A strong aftershock with a preliminary magnitude of 7.1 jolted Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures.

As westerly winds become stronger in March, Japan and South Korea will bear the full brunt of PM2.5 sweeping from China, the size of which is about one-tenth that of a grain of Japanese cedar pollen.

Bush emphasized he would keep the dollar strong in order to attract foreign investment to the United States.

Consumers tired of belt-tightening are showing a stronger tendency to buy luxury cars.

Dollar-selling pressure remains strong due to concerns over the outflow of funds from the United States.

Flexible market intervention depending on market trends and bold additional monetary easing measures are required to prevent the yen from becoming even stronger and to underpin business activity.

In the 300-strong National Assembly of South Korea, Saenuri Party got a water-thin majority of 152 seats.

Stringent fiscal austerity programs, such as the fiscal compact of 2012 which was imposed upon the European Union at the strong insistence of the German government, led to the recession in Europe.

Summers is believed to have an inside track to the appointment of the next Federal Reserve chairman as Obama gave a strong defense of him at a closed-door meeting.

The company’s performance in business areas remained strong.

The main causes of air pollution in China are an increase in exhaust gas from automobiles, the combustion of coal for heating and a lack of strong wind.

The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.

Typhoon No. 26, which brought torrential rain and strong winds to a wide area in eastern Japan, was downgraded to an extratropical cyclone in the sea south of Hokkaido.

We can say that today’s Japanese lack a strong desire for achievement.

strong dollar

強いドル ドル高

strong dollarの用例

A stronger dollar may lead to objections from U.S. businesses that fear their international competitiveness.

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