supplies account

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

supplies account


supplies accountの関連語句

supplies accountの用例

College fees concerning enrollment, tuition, facility equipment usage fees and others are tax-free, but universities have to assume an increasing financial burden as a result of the consumption tax hike when they purchase supplies from April 2014.

In Hubei Province of China, medical services collapsed due to lack of medical care workers and medical supplies, and patients infected with the new coronavirus died at home one after another without being able to receive medical treatment.

The icebreaker Shirase began its mission to transport personnel and supplies to Showa Base in Antarctica.

The unmanned Dragon capsule was developed to deliver supplies to the ISS, following the retirement of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s space shuttles.

The unmanned Konotori 3 cargo vehicle bound for the ISS is carrying such supplies as food and other daily necessities, a water tank for feeding killifish and a device for releasing small satellites into space.

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