territorial dispute

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

territorial dispute

領土紛争 領有権争い 領土問題 領有権問題 (⇒multinational negotiations [talks])

territorial disputeの用例

China is relentlessly applying pressure by various means until it extracts concessions from Japan to make Tokyo sit at the negotiating table to discuss a territorial dispute over the Senkakus.

China’s goal for the time being is to make Japan admit the existence of a territorial dispute over the Senkakus.

Concerning the long-standing territorial dispute over four islands off Hokkaido, Prime Minister Abe and Russian President Putin have concurred in spurring negotiations to find a solution acceptable to both.

In order not to let China get the upper hand in a territorial dispute over the Senkakus, the Foreign Ministry opened a new banner labeled “Japan-China relations: Current situation of the Senkaku Islands” on the homepage of its website.

In the South China Sea where China has territorial disputes with neighboring countries, China has expanded its effective control of the sea area by deploying fisheries patrol vessels and warships.

Japan must work out strategies without undue haste to find a way to resolve the long-standing Japan-Russia territorial dispute.

Over the issue of the Senkaku Islands, Japan has maintained a consistent stance that there is no territorial dispute over the island as Japan’s territorial rights over the islands have already been established under international law.

Regarding territorial and maritime issues, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said during the U.S.-China strategic and economic dialogue that the future of freedom of navigation will depend on how China deals with territorial disputes with its neighboring countries.

There is no magic wand in resolving the Japan-Russia territorial dispute.

The Senkakus [Senkaku Islands] are an integral part of Japan’s territory and there is no territorial dispute over the islands.

The South China Sea is the stage for several territorial disputes.

To find a way to resolve the Japan-Russia territorial dispute, vice-ministerial talks are scheduled to be held soon.

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