traffic accident

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

traffic accident

交通事故 (=traffic smashup)

traffic accidentの関連語句

traffic accidentの用例

In Japan alone, about 5,000 people are killed in traffic accidents each year.

In the compulsory auto insurance program, returns from the insurance premiums are accumulated in reserve funds to use for projects, including one to help people who suffered permanent damage in traffic accidents.

The accumulated deficits of the compulsory auto insurance program exceeded ¥500 billion at the end of fiscal 2012. This is mainly because revenues decreased after premiums for the insurance were drastically lowered in fiscal 2008, while insurance payouts for deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents have increased.

The compulsory auto insurance program cannot be sustained unless its financial conditions are improved though the purpose of the program is to help victims of traffic accidents.

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