with 〜 in mind

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

with 〜 in mind

〜を念頭に入れて[置いて] 〜を考慮して[考えて] 〜を踏まえて 〜を視野に入れて 〜を見据えて 〜をにらんで 〜を銘記して 〜を心に秘めて[抱いて]

with 〜 in mindの関連語句

with 〜 in mindの用例

At the meeting of South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, Tokyo and Seoul agreed to cooperate in a forward-looking manner with North Korea’s nuclear development in mind.

Japan has started negotiations on a trade agreement with Britain that left the EU, with the possibility of Britain joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership in mind.

The developers and producers of genome-edited food should proceed step by step to build up a track record, with the worries of many consumers about the safety of genome-edited food in mind.

The two countries of Japan and the U.S. oppose unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force, with China’s provocative actions around the Senkakus in mind.

With China’s increasingly hegemonic moves in mind, Prime Minister Suga and U.S. President Biden spoke over the phone and agreed to promote the vision of a “free and open Indo-Pacific.”

With the next lower house election in mind, many opposition parties will not join a coalition government.

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化学式 CH4 。最も簡単なメタン系炭化水素で,天然ガスの主成分をなしている。また石炭ガスにも 25~30%含まれる。有機物の分解,たとえばセルロースの腐敗,発酵の際に生成され,沼気ともいわれる。また...


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