英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
4K television [TV]
4Kテレビ (表示パネルの画素数がフルハイビジョンの4倍ある大画面、高画質化を追求した次世代テレビ。横(水平画素)が約4,000で、1,000は1K(キロ)という単位で表わされるため「4Kテレビ」と呼ばれる)
4K television [TV]の用例
Next generation 4K televisions feature high resolution image quality with about 4,000 horizontal pixels, while ordinary high-vision TVs have less than 2,000 horizontal pixels.
Sony is poised to focus on 4K TVs, but there is no knowing whether the firm’s 4K TV-centered strategy will actually make its TV unit profitable.
Sony will focus on developing next generation 4K TVs as its new TV division strategy, but it will refrain from waging a price war with its rivals in the 4K market, giving priority to enhancing its profitability mainly through luxury models.
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