英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

BOJ Gov.

日銀の総裁 日銀総裁 (⇒BOJ’s monetary policy meeting)

BOJ Gov.の用例

BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda handpicked by Prime Minister Abe vowed to hit a two-percent inflation target within two years in April 2013.

BOJ Gov. Kuroda’s approach itself is not entirely different from that during Shirakawa’s governorship. But a major difference lies in the increase in the types of financial products the BOJ will buy from financial institutions.

Despite BOJ Gov. Kuroda’s confidence in controlling the uptrend in long-term rates, the distribution yield for new 10-year government bonds, a benchmark for long-term interest rates, briefly hit 1.000 percent for the first time in about 14 months.

Former BOJ Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa adhered to the convention of making interest rates the target of monetary policy because the central bank would be required to purchase an infinite amount of government bonds if the target were changed to the money supply.

LDP President Abe said that he will ask the BOJ to buy construction bonds, or the government bonds issued for public works projects, through open market operations, which is a typical monetary control measure conducted by the central bank.

Many market players came to believe that BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda failed to present a concrete countermeasure to hold down the spike in long-term interest rates.

Prior to the Group of Eight summit scheduled to open in Britain, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda met to discuss the economic situation.

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