
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Bank of Japan

日本銀行 日銀 BOJ (⇒BOJ)

Bank of Japanの関連語句

Bank of Japanの用例

After the Bank of Japan tweaked its monetary policy but pledged to keep interest rates low, government bonds rallied.

As the lift in economic activity has come to a pause, the Bank of Japan revised downward its previous view that the economy had started picking up moderately.

Deteriorating business sentiment among large companies will be certain to increase pressure against the Bank of Japan to relax its monetary policy.

If the Bank of Japan directly buys government bonds, it could lead to the unlimited issuance of government bonds. Eventually fiscal discipline will collapse and unleash hyperinflation.

On the back of speculation about additional monetary easing by the Bank of Japan, the dollar surged above the ¥90 threshold for the first time in about 31 months since June 23, 2010 in Tokyo trading.

Regarding the remarks of LDP President Shinzo Abe, there is a nagging concern that the LDP might ask the Bank of Japan to cover the government’s deficits if the party returns to power.

The Bank of Japan changed the index of monetary easing to the monetary base, or the total amount of liquid assets supplied to the market by the central bank, from interest rates.

The Bank of Japan currently is aiming for a 1 percent inflation target.

The Bank of Japan decided on Sept. 19, 2012 to increase the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government and corporate bonds by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion as part of additional monetary easing measures.

The Bank of Japan declared additional easing moves.

The Bank of Japan demonstrated its resolve to address the yen’s strength.

The Bank of Japan envisages the prospects of economic growth and consumer price trends in its “Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices.”

The Bank of Japan has implemented an extraordinary monetary easing policy.

The Bank of Japan has kept its monetary policy unchanged at its Policy Board meeting.

The Bank of Japan promptly decided on additional monetary easing measures to follow up those decided in September and October.

The Bank of Japan seems to have unwillingly implemented measures piecemeal for further monetary easing under pressure from the government and the market.

The Bank of Japan should quickly materialize a new policy of listing asset-backed securities, or securities backed by assets such as sales credits, as a possible option for purchase.

The Bank of Japan typically purchased government bonds with short maturity periods in the past.

The government and the Bank of Japan are considering joint market intervention with the U.S. and European monetary authorities to produce the greater results of their market intervention.

The government and the Bank of Japan must conclude pragmatic policy accords to defeat deflation and achieve an economic recovery.

The government and the Bank of Japan will close ranks and work toward leading Japan out of deflation in the wake of the inauguration of the LDP-led government.

To realize a 2 percent year-on-year inflation target, the new administration to be led by incoming Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Bank of Japan are expected to conclude a policy accord.

With the Japanese economy left in uncertainty, the new government will be required to adopt pump-priming measures to keep pace with the Bank of Japan, while the central bank will be asked to watch and deal with the economy with even more care.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

