
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Cabinet Secretariat’s classified [secret] funds

官房機密費 内閣官房機密費 (=secret funds in the Cabinet Secretariat)

Cabinet Secretariat’s classified [secret] fundsの関連語句

Cabinet Secretariat’s classified [secret] fundsの用例

After being named prime minister, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga launched his Cabinet and wasted no time in stamping his own imprint on his new administration.

A mutually beneficial strategic relationship based on common strategic interests is a concept put forth by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during the tenure of the first Abe Cabinet in 2006.

Before the extraordinary Diet session opened, Fukuda and his Cabinet resigned en masse.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled his new inward-looking Cabinet on November 20, 2019.

In the second Abe Cabinet, Abe has given precedence on kick-starting the economy, rather than focusing on pet projects such as national security and revising the Constitution.

In the second Abe Cabinet, a spate of money-and-politics scandals erupted and eventually culminated in the resignation of two female ministers shortly after Abe reshuffled his Cabinet.

Italy’s new Prime Minister Mario Monti picked scholars and other economic experts for his “technocratic” Cabinet.

It is slips of the tongue by inexperienced ministers and those who have joined the Cabinet for the first time that Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga is watching for following the latest Cabinet reshuffle.

Major opposition parties submitted to the lower house a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Abe.

No prime minister will be able to stay in office for more than one year if the cabinet resigns or the lower house is dissolved every time the bill is taken hostage annually.

Several minor opposition parties have submitted a joint no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to the House of Representatives and a censure motion against Noda to the House of Councilors.

The Abe Cabinet has been facing mounting pressure over such issues as the alteration of the Finance Ministry’s official documents.

The Cabinet approved a state budget for fiscal 201.

The formation of a stable administration by the second Abe Cabinet has wiped away the sense of despair that was pervading Japanese politics.

The hyper-appreciation of yen that had afflicted the Japanese economy was corrected after the launch of the Abe Cabinet.

The Kan administration has postponed making changes to the Cabinet.

The Koizumi Cabinet’s approval rating was comparatively high.

The upcoming House of Representatives election held almost two years after the launch of the second Abe Cabinet presents a vital opportunity to assess and review the merits and demerits of this administration.

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