Chamber of Commerce and Industry Law

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Law


Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lawの関連語句

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lawの用例

At a public hearing at the U.S. Senate, many members of the chamber bitterly accused Tanaka Corp., the world’s second-largest air bag supplier, and Honda of having possibly covered up the faults in the air bags manufactured by Takata.

During the upper chamber’s plenary session, the specially designated intelligence protection law, which imposes stiffer penalties on civil servants and other parties who leak classified national security information, was enacted with a majority of votes by the ruling bloc.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga delivered his first policy speech after taking office to the plenary sessions of both chambers of the Diet.

The appointments of the BOJ’s governor and two deputy governors require majority approval from both chambers of the Diet.

The LDP’s thumping victory in the upper house election in July 2013 brought an end to the divided Diet, in which the ruling parties controlled one chamber and opposition parties held sway in the other.

The opposition parties began boycotting all deliberations during the current Diet session in both chambers of the legislature.

The revision bill of the Temporary Staffing Services Law was aborted due to the lower chamber’s dissolution for the general election.

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