
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

China Foreign Exchange Trade System


China Foreign Exchange Trade Systemの関連語句

China Foreign Exchange Trade Systemの用例

According to China’s 2014 national defense budget, China will boost defense spending in 2014 to 808.23 billion yuan (about ¥13.4 trillion), up 12.2 percent from the previous year.

According to the defense white paper of Japan, China is strongly expected to recognize its responsibility as a major power, accept and stick to the international norms.

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of the country’s focus on economic growth above all else by ignoring environmental protection measures.

A meeting between Konosuke Matsushita and visiting Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping in 1978 served as a catalyst for expansion by Japanese firms in China.

A Permanent Court of Arbitration’s ruling in 2016 dismissed China’s claim that its sovereignty covers almost the entire area of the South China Sea.

As a consequence of the diplomatic tension between Japan and China, the sales of Japanese products are declining in China.

As China is continuing to make its presence felt by sending surveillance ships to waters near the Senkakus, the Japan Coast Guard is engaged in vigilance and surveillance activities on a 24-hour basis.

As China is seeking to further expand its economic and military might to become a superpower on par with the United States, Chinese policy of expansion both economically and militarily will not change anytime soon.

Based on its own assertion which is incompatible with the existing order of international law, China has attempted to change the status quo by force.

Bitcoin, an online currency, is illegal in Thailand and financial services involving bitcoin are banned in China, but the virtual currency has been spreading around the world online.

Boycotts of Japanese goods have spread in China after Japan nationalized the Senkakus.

By running ads in major U.S. newspapers claiming that the Senkakus belong to China, China has launched a propaganda campaign against Japan.

By the increase in defense spending, China is bolstering its capabilities to deny access by the U.S. military to waters around China in times of an emergency in the Taiwan Strait.

China and South Korea regard Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Class-A war criminals together with the war dead, as a symbol of Japan’s past militarism.

China defended its controversial one-child policy.

China did not send its finance minister or the governor of the People’s Bank of China to the plenary session of the annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group.

China enacted the Hong Kong national security law that cracks down on protests in the territory.

China established an air defense identification zone that includes airspace over the Senkakus, which has ratcheted up tensions in the relationship between Japan and China.

China formally appointed Li Keqiang as new premier to replace Wen Jiabao.

China has a life-or-death influence over the North Korea as the largest donor country and trade partner of Pyongyang.

China has been viewed as a nation whose export drive derives from its inexpensive products.

China has used the expression of “core interests” in regard to its sovereignty and territorial integrity when it refers to the issues of Taiwan and Tibet.

China interprets international law and custom in a way which favors itself.

China is expanding economically and militarily.

China is ramping up investment in a range of areas including nuclear weapons, long-range missiles, submarines and aircraft carriers.

China is relentlessly applying pressure by various means until it extracts concessions from Japan to make Tokyo sit at the negotiating table to discuss a territorial dispute over the Senkakus.

China is stepping up its naval and air force activities in the East China Sea including waters around the Senkakus.

China is trying to boost its control over disputed waters in the South China Sea and the East China Sea.

China lost an appeal at the WTO in a case about its export restrictions on raw materials including bauxite, magnesium and zinc.

China seems to have refrained from taking any action that could further escalate tension as the Japan-U.S. alliance is functioning to deter Beijing’s provocation.

China seems to think Japan will buckle to China’s demands if it plays hardball.

China should fulfill the international responsibility that comes with its national power.

China’s previous administration of Hu Jintao transformed the country’s GDP-centered policy under a “scientific development concept” banner.

China strengthened patriotic education in its schools in 1990s and inculcated anti-Japan sentiment.

China wants to bring Japan to the negotiation table over the Senkaku Islands issue by ramping up China’s provocations against Japan.

China warned the Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan’s main opposition party, to heed the lessons of the last time it was in power and not push for independence.

China will ratchet up efforts to quell inflation in 2011.

Due to a widespread property boom across China and the growing popularity of high-yielding wealth management products, the assets of the country’s shadow banks have swollen swiftly.

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi’s trip to China may bring trade and investment to shore up his country’s flagging economy.

Emerging economies, including China which is the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas, should assume their fair share of responsibility for reducing the emissions.

Fierce anti-Japan rallies in China can only worsen Japanese people’s feelings toward China.

Former Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan said that an attack on an official car carrying Japanese Ambassador to China Uichiro Niwa in Beijing was extremely insulting.

Hu Jintao, who led China for ten years during his two terms, handed over the posts of general secretary and chairman of the Central Military Commission to Xi Jinping.

Hu Jintao, who led China for ten years during his two terms, vacated the general secretary post and also stepped down as chairman of the Central Military Commission in the latest leadership appointment.

If China submits its application to extend the outer limit of its continental shelf in the East China Sea to a U.N. panel, the Japanese government will file an objection to it.

If the financial crisis in Europe worsens, exports from China and other emerging economies to Europe will slow down.

In an effort to create a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests, Japan has promoted cooperation with China in energy saving and environmental protection.

In China, events celebrating Japan-China ties have been canceled or suspended one after another since Japan nationalized the Senkakus.

In China, more than a dozen nuclear reactors have been operating and the government plans to construct more than 50 additional reactors.

In line with the words of Xi Jinping, the new general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, China will continue to advance along its path of reform and opening-up while maintaining a political system dominated by a single party.

In order to counter China’s naval buildup, the Self-Defense Forces need to speed up work to increase its surveillance of the Nansei Islands.

In the face of the domestic issue of overwhelming air pollution due to PM2.5, China shouldn’t have the time to flirt with other countries’ territories.

In the South China Sea, China’s intimidation of the Philippines and Vietnam over the territorial rights of islets in the sea has been escalating.

It’s questionable if China will be able to force its unruly neighbor to stand down as North Korea prepares a potential missile test.

Japan must press China to abide by international rules as Beijing’s self-righteous show of force cannot be overlooked.

Japan’s attitude toward China has been deteriorating in the face of days of fierce anti-Japan rallies in China.

Japan’s exports and production have been reduced because of the slowdown of foreign economies and the worsening of relations with China.

Many Japanese manufacturers have been prompted to review their production in China with labor costs surging in China and domestic production recovering competitiveness thanks to the weaker yen.

On top of flexing its muscles by sending surveillance ships to the waters around the Senkakus, China has also been striving to control the direction of international public opinion.

Regarding the Senkaku Islands, China insists that the islands, which were seized from Taiwan by Japan during the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) should be returned to China so long as Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration.

Russia and China maintained their hard stance against adopting the U.N resolution condemning the Assad regime of Syria.

Russia and Japan share the common interests in keeping China in check and dealing with North Korea’s nuclear development program.

Since Japan nationalized the Senkaku Islands, China’s unjustified propaganda campaign over the islands has run rampant, conveying false and improper messages to the world.

Since Japan nationalized the Senkakus, China has repeatedly intruded into Japan’s territorial waters.

South Korean President Park Geun-hye pushed China to do more to bring its wayward ally North Korea to heel.

Stability in the region of South and East China seas will not be expected so long as China continues intimidating neighboring countries with shows of force and unilaterally pursues its pivotal interests.

Taiwan has cut diplomatic ties with the Commonwealth of Dominica, which has switched recognition to the island’s arch-foe China.

Taiwan needs to pass a contentious service trade pact with China, Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou said.

Tensions between Tokyo and Beijing will increase further if China’s pressure on Japan escalates.

The company has reduced its dependence in China for production of its private-brand clothing items sold in Japan, in the wake of soaring labor costs in the country.

The deployment of the MV-22 Osprey aircraft to Okinawa is an important part of boosting deterrence toward China.

The economic slowdown in Europe due to the sovereign debt crisis and slackening growth of China as a major exporter to Europe have dealt a painful blow to Japan’s exports and production.

The EU accused China of unfairly pricing its solar panels too cheaply in Europe to corner the market.

The government deported Chinese anti-Japan activists to avoid a two-pronged fight with China and South Korea after Japan-South Korea relations became strained over the Takeshima islands.

The Japanese government deported Chinese activists to avoid riling China after they illegally landed on the Senkaku Islands.

The main causes of air pollution in China are an increase in exhaust gas from automobiles, the combustion of coal for heating and a lack of strong wind.

The new Xi administration whose goal is achieving “the great revival of the Chinese nation” is expected to pursue wealth- and military-building policies over his two five-year terms to transform China into a superpower on par with the United States.

The top priority of the Xi administration will be easing the social strains that have been intensifying in China.

The United States and China agreed to continue discussing the issue of cybertheft through cyber attacks at working-level talks though they remain far apart.

The United States has called on China to work to improve the transparency of China’s military capacities, including cyber-attack capabilities.

The United States may not win international support to pressure China to increase the yuan’s value.

This reckless violence by Chinese anti-Japan demonstrators followed vandalism against Japanese-affiliated companies in a number of places in China.

To clear the way for Vice President Xi Jinping to take China’s helm, Chinese President Hu Jintao stepped aside as ruling party leader.

To grapple with China’s policy of military and economic expansion, the Japanese government must calmly grasp the situation and consolidate strategy toward China.

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara denounced the weak-kneed diplomacy of the central government against China.

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara is known for his hard-line stance toward China.

To prepare for unpredictable events by anti-Japan demonstrators, the Japanese government will strongly press the Chinese government to ensure the safety of Japanese people and Japanese-affiliated companies in China.

U.S. President Donald Trump renewed his criticism of China over the global new coronavirus pandemic by saying it has been worse for the United States than Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor or the Sept. 11, 2001.

Washington seems to see eye to eye with China with respect to their concerns about North Korea.

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