
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Chinese government


Chinese governmentの用例

After a Chinese airplane intruded into Japanese airspace, the Japanese government lodged a strong protest with the Chinese government through diplomatic channels.

As a step aimed at strengthening China’s territorial claim over the Senkaku Islands, the Chinese government submitted to the United Nations a nautical chart that identifies the areas around the islands as its “territorial waters.”

At the U.N. General Assembly, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang claimed that Japan stole the Senkaku Islands in 1895 at the end of the Sino-Japanese War, and forced the Chinese government to sign an unequal treaty to cede the islands.

China’s defense expenditures mark nearly a fourfold rise in the past 10 years in statistics published by the Chinese government.

It’s often said that the South Korean government is utilizing the anti-Japan sentiment of its people to turn the domestic political situation to its advantage, while the Chinese government is doing so to maintain national unity.

The Chinese government allowed people to stage a campaign to boycott Japanese products following anti-Japan demonstrations.

The Chinese government began claiming territorial sovereignty over the Senkakus in 1970s after the existence of an oil deposit was confirmed beneath the nearby seafloor.

The Chinese government still keeps its stance of permitting anti-Japan demonstrations though it appears to be trying to stem the extreme violence of demonstrators.

The Chinese government will submit to the United Nations an application to move the outer limit of its continental shelf beyond the 200 nautical miles from the baseline of its territorial waters in the East China Sea.

The Japanese government lodged protests over the incidents of China’s use of fire-control radar to the Chinese government through diplomatic channels.

To narrow China’s income gap and expand domestic consumption, the Chinese government plans to raise the national minimum wage by more than 13 percent annually while boosting allowance when employees leave a company.

To prepare for unpredictable events by anti-Japan demonstrators, the Japanese government will strongly press the Chinese government to ensure the safety of Japanese people and Japanese-affiliated companies in China.

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