
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Copyright Law

著作権法 (⇒copyright holder, copyrighted material)

Copyright Lawの関連語句

Copyright Lawの用例

As part of efforts to combat piracy websites, the government has submitted a bill to revise the Copyright Law to the current Diet session.

Not only the operators of illegal sites [websites] but also individuals who repeatedly download manga or other contents are subject to criminal punishment under the revised Copyright Law, which went into effect in January 2021.

Publishing companies’ publication rights authorized under the current Copyright Law do not take into account the existence of e-books.

The revised Copyright Law is designed to expand the scope of restrictions on illegal downloading of copyrighted works, which has been limited to music and images, to all copyrighted works including comics, novels and essays.

Under Japan’s Copyright Law, copyrighted materials may be used without their copyright holders’ permission in the case of the copying of materials by an individual for private use.

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