Diet member

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Diet member

国会議員 議員

Diet memberの関連語句

Diet memberの用例

A bill to allow local governments to collect admission fees from visitors to designated natural assets zones will be submitted to the current Diet session in the form of legislation drafted by Diet members.

Diet member Kensuke Miyazaki will resign to take responsibility for a scandal in which he was discovered to be having an affair while seeking to take paternity leave.

Speaking of a series of incidents or suspicions surrounding “politics and money” under the Abe administration, LDP Diet members’ lack of a normative awareness is nothing short of surprising.

The article 96 of the Constitution stipulates that a concurring vote of two-thirds or more of all members of both Diet members is required for proposing amendments.

The secretary general of Osaka Ishin no Kai sounded out five Diet members about whether they intend to join the new party.

Your Party leader Yoshimi Watanabe will step down as president of the party in the midst of a scandal involving ¥800 million in loans from DHC Corp. Chairman Yoshiaki Yoshida. But he said he wouldn’t resign as a Diet member.

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