
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Financial Services Agency

金融庁 FSA (⇒FSA)

Financial Services Agencyの用例

Citibank Japan Ltd. is arranging to sell its retail banking business by the end of March 2015 if it can obtain approval from the Financial Services Agency, while it will maintain its corporate banking business.

Following the TSE’s full-day suspension of trading for all stocks due to a system failure, the Financial Services Agency has issued business improvement orders to Tokyo Stock Exchange Inc. and its parent company, Japan Exchange Group Inc.

In its guidelines for banking supervision, the Financial Services Agency calls on banks not to make transactions with crime-affiliated forces.

The credit union was forced to apply to the Financial Services Agency for protection from creditors.

The Financial Services Agency gave up its initial goal to make the introduction of the IFRS mandatory in around 2015.

The Financial Services Agency is calling for caution against a deal called “salary factoring” to purchase customers’ rights to salaries, saying, “These are illegal loan sharks.”

The Financial Services Agency issued a business improvement order to the bank on the Banking Law and demanded it implement a fundamental review of compliance and business administration.

The Financial Services Agency will tighten regulations over insider trading, following a series of illegal trading incidents involving the leakage of companies’ internal information by major securities firms.

The Stewardship Code, which was introduced by the Financial Services Agency in February 2014, calls for institutional investors to exercise their voting rights aggressively.

The TSE received an administrative disposition from the Financial Services Agency on the ground [grounds] of a system malfunction.

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[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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