
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Food Recycling Law


Food Recycling Lawの関連語句

Food Recycling Lawの用例

Among fall food in Japan, saury’s popularity ranks top. Saury which is broiled with salt and served with grated daikon radish is very tasty.

As transportation networks were paralyzed by the record-setting snowfall that hit the Kanto and Koshinetsu regions up to the Tohoku region, the delivery of food and other daily commodities to retailers and restaurant chains have been hindered.

By the instruction of the China Food and Drug Administration, the Shanghai city government suspended operations of Shanghai Husi Food and confiscated raw materials and products at the firm which had sold expired meat products.

Food self-sufficiency ratio indicates the proportion of domestic products in consumed food.

Genome-editing technology has a wide range of applications and great potentials, including the production of drought-resistant crops and high-yielding varieties, but some people are concerned about its application to food.

In France, the value added tax (VAT) on food is set at 5.5 percent thanks to the reduced tax rate, compared to the standard VAT of 19.6 percent for goods.

In its “Cool Japan” strategy to promote Japanese culture overseas, the government plans to nurture missionaries for Japanese food.

In the next round of negotiations, labeling and trade rules for food produced with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are expected to be discussed.

It’s said that Native American Indians stored food in preparation for winter on Indian summer days, balmy spring-like warm autumn days.

Japan’s manga, anime, music, fashion and food are in the global spotlight.

North Korea bridled at South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s comments that the money spent on the rocket launch could have bought food for the hungry nation.

The consumption tax rate for goods is currently uniform at 10 percent, whether applied to food or nonessentials such as jewelry.

The Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) Law specifies standards on the labeling of food.

The Japan-U.S. acquisition and cross servicing agreement (ACSA) has been updated so that U.S. forces and the SDF can exchange food and fuel not only during peacetime, but also in the event of a crisis.

The supermarket is planning to reduce the prices of more than 2,000 items including food and daily necessities this fiscal year though the company discounted about 230 items last year.

The unmanned Dragon cargo ship will detach from the ISS and return to Earth after about 400 kilograms of cargo including food and experiment equipment are unloaded.

The unmanned Konotori 3 cargo vehicle bound for the ISS is carrying such supplies as food and other daily necessities, a water tank for feeding killifish and a device for releasing small satellites into space.

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